Art Center Winter Degree Show 2014

The success of the vehicle architecture course — taught by studio engineer Stuart Macey, co-author of H-Point with Geoff Wardle, executive director for graduate transportation design at ACCD — is readily apparent in seeing the students’ final proposals and the package drawings on the base of their stands.

It is no great surprise the ACCD’s transportation design program has graduated an incredible number of designers that have gone on to become very accomplished designers worldwide. Wayne Cherry, Chris Bangle and J Mays are just three of many that attained the highest design positions at their respective companies.

But besides the fact that ACCD boasts a large number of alumni working in high-ranking positions within the automotive design industry, many have also come back to impart their knowledge on the younger generation of designers. And that is what makes the ACCD course truly unique. Sure, it’s also one of the most expensive, but the cachet of an ACCD degree on your CV — and a portfolio of work to back it up — will certainly help get your foot in the door.

All photos © Curb Industries

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